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Medea Prove
Midia Under the Umbrella

Type:  Live Streaming 

Author: Luisa Veresano


X Form: Social 

Medea, also known as Mariella Sivo, is a doctor with a passion for literature.

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During the first lockdown she opened her own channel to review books and broadcast interviews with local and national authors on a weekly basis to deepen their careers as writers. In June 2020 Medea decided to record videos of her interviews from Rong Place in summer mode.

Thus was born the idea of Medea Sotto L’ombrellone (under the umbrella). On these occasions (three times in June) the clean room became a video set, led by the creative director Massimo Mazzilli.


The interviews were broadcast in live streaming every Saturday on the official social page of I Libri di Medea. The stakes have reached over 1000 views.

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