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Woman Unined

Type:  Woman Gathering 

Author: Michelangelo, Emilio, Noemi, Marco, Federica 

Date: 28th August 2020

X Form: Ritual

At the beginning a first group of women from the local community started to support Rong place.

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Anna as dancer and communication specialist, Luisa a poet and language teacher, Carmen as theatre actress, Roberta a psychotherapist and Daniela a mail artist and business owner..


All of them contributed to the first period of experimentation through donations, ideas and consultancy. 

This shoot was taken in summer 2020. It shows a meeting in which all of them were invited to join simultaneously to contributed with their own expertise to the development of the projects 


In the next months the second wave of Covid started and the Rong place location was about to shut down due to lack of fundings. Thanks to Luisa and Daniela it continued to stay open and continued to host events.


Anna helped with

communication design, with Carmen and Roberta designed a workshop on shadow work which was hosted one year later. 

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